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Brownson said the questions] out saying that no Commuarose during hearings before the uals or security risks since 1950 House Government Operations and no known Communists are Committee on President Eisenon the payroll at the present hower's plans for reorganizatime. tion of the State Department.

The report was made by R. He asked McLeod specifically W. Scott McLeod, the departwhether any Communists are ment's chief security officer, in currently employed in the State nists, known to the security Department. McLeod replied: office as such, are on the rolls of the department at this time."

"As a security officer, I am reluctant to give the committee a categorical answer.... A breakdown of McLeod's figsince I must always presume ures showed these dismissals: that the Soviets are attempt1950-54 homosexuals, 12 seing to penetrate an agency as curity risks; 1951-119 homosexsensitive as the State Depart-uals, 35 security risks; 1952ment, and since I may never

134 homosexuals, 70 security risks; 1953 (January to July)74 homosexuals, 33 security risks.